Facilitation Skills Training

Offering Overview

Shift offers interactive virtual and in-person experiences that model exceptional facilitation and engaging design.
Facilitation Skills Programs
Facilitation Models & Tools

Facilitation Skills Training Programs

Shift’s core programs are specifically designed to meet the most common development needs identified by our clients and partners.
Virtual Facilitation ExcellenceTM 

Delivery Mode: 

Virtual & In Person

The Virtual Excellence™ program provides facilitators with key strategies needed to deliver engaging virtual learning experiences. Using the principles of the Three Domains of Mastery™Own the Content, Manage the Room, and Animate the Experience — Virtual Excellence™ offers practical tips and techniques specific to the virtual environment.

Foundations in FacilitationTM

Delivery Mode: 

Virtual & In Person

Foundations in Facilitation™ is designed for subject matter or technical experts who are often asked to deliver training, but may not have a background in learning. The program introduces novice trainers to the ABC’s of facilitation, based on the Three Domains of Mastery™ model — Own the Content, Manage the Room and Animate the Experience.
Master Classes

Delivery Mode: 

Virtual & In Person

Master classes are designed for facilitators ready for the challenge of learning advanced facilitation techniques. Each session takes an in-depth look at specific models and tools. The classes sharpen highly specialized skills with an emphasis on application and practice.
The Five PersonasTM 

Delivery Mode: 

Virtual & In Person

Discover your unique facilitation style. Recognize your natural strengths and weaknesses. Understand how your style impacts the participants in your sessions. And, most importantly, recognize opportunities to develop as a facilitator based on your individual profile.

Models & Tools

At Shift, we practice what we preach. Every session we facilitate is like a lab. And we’re constantly innovating in the pursuit of excellence.
Three Domains of Mastery™

The Three Domains of Mastery™ model introduces the essential practice areas that every facilitator must develop and strengthen on the path to mastery – Own the Content, Manage the Room, Animate the Experience.

Virtual Facilitation Competency Framework™

Consistency. Continuity. Coaching. Feedback. Development. The Virtual Facilitation Competency Framework™ accelerates the development of performance standards and clarifies expectations for virtual facilitators.

The Five Personas™

Behaviours. Mindsets. The Five Personas™ is a powerful model and online self-assessment tool. A personalized scoring report highlights an individuals facilitation strengths and prioritizes opportunities for development.

Interested – but not sure where to begin?

Let’s talk about it. Contact us today.

Shift Perspectives

Keep Reading

June 20, 2021

The Worst Facilitator Ever… Is Now Virtually Even Worse!

Just when you thought the worst facilitator couldn’t get any worse, they went virtual. Okay, okay. Technically, their ability to facilitate didn’t...

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June 1, 2021

LEADERSHIP… and the Virtual Fishbowl!

The fishbowl. You know it. The one that leaders live in. The one where a 360 degree view of a leader’s actions...

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April 23, 2021

I miss CONNECTING with participants!?

Connection. A shared experience. Acts of generosity. A string of light bulb moments.  Connection. A shared purpose. Acts of service. A source...

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