Models & Tools

Models & Tools Overview

Every great facilitator has a set of tools and learning models that help sharpen their abilities and build their experience. Supplement your Shift Program or Master Class with our specially developed set of tools and models created to help you as you build your skills.

These Core Models & Tools support all of Shift Facilitation’s Programs and Master Classes.

Three Domains of Mastery™

The Three Domains of Mastery™ model introduces the essential practice areas that every facilitator must develop and strengthen on the path to mastery – Own the Content, Manage the Room, Animate the Experience.

Virtual Facilitation Competency Framework™

Consistency. Continuity. Coaching. Feedback. The Virtual Facilitation Competency Framework™ sets clear performance standards and accelerates growth and development.

The Five Personas™
The Five Personas Benchmark™ is a competency-based assessment tool designed for trainers, facilitators and experts who want to understand the natural strengths and potential hazards of their unique delivery style.

Enrich Your Experience with Shift’s Models & Tools

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