Three Domains of Mastery™

Three Domains of Mastery™ Overview

At Shift, we focus attention and practice in each of the Three Domains of Mastery™. Outstanding facilitators have honed their skills in each of these distinct areas. Discover what it takes to master all three.
view the model:

Mastered separately. Delivered as a whole. Each of the domains is essential to an exceptional experience.

The Three Domains:

Own the content
Be credible and knowledgeable; share expertise; know the design and flow; prepare your questions; plan your transitions; value the context and culture; be accountable for the learning outcomes.
Manage the Room
Be thoughtful about preparing the space; make effective use of the available tools; be attuned to the energy in the room; guide the participants’ behaviour; deal with awkward situations graciously.
Animate the Experience

Bring the learning experience to life; set the tone, engage the participants, get them involved; focus on relevance and keep it practical; share real stories and practice with real examples.

The Triangle Relationship:

The equilateral triangle represents the distinct yet interdependent aspects of great facilitation. Mastery of any two without the third just doesn’t cut it. It takes all three to facilitate with excellence.

Discover The Three Domains of MasteryTM


Shift Perspectives

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