Virtual Facilitation Competency Framework™

Virtual Facilitation Competency Framework™ Overview

The Virtual Facilitation Competency Framework™ has been designed, tested, and implemented for clients large and small. It is a framework that supports the consistent delivery of high quality virtual learning experiences. It defines the gold standard for virtual facilitation by establishing clear expectations for performance.
It’s development was sparked by the following question, posed to us by the leader of an internal training team at a global financial services company: “How might we consistently deliver richly textured, interactive learning experiences in a virtual classroom?”

Shift developed the following suite of tools as a framework to address facilitating virtual classroom learning experiences:

1. Competencies & Performance Standards
2. Observation Worksheet
3. Coaching Handbook

The Framework:

Competencies & Performance Standards
We looked carefully at the core skills and outcomes required to achieve excellence as a virtual facilitator. The Competency Framework & Performance Standards for Virtual Facilitation includes skills and behaviours exclusive to virtual, as well as defining what can be adapted from in-person facilitation. This work has been adopted by training teams around the world as the gold standard.
Observation Worksheet
The Observation Worksheets are an essential part of the extended toolkit for coaching and developing facilitation skills. The worksheets allow managers and peers to capture meaningful feedback and observe specific behaviours during a live or recorded delivery. The worksheet is purpose built to collect valuable insights that directly support the competency framework and performance standards.
Coaching Handbook
The Coaching Handbook is designed as a guide to help convert observations and feedback into meaningful development opportunities. The handbook offers practical suggestions and prescribes both skill and confidence building activities for growth and development. As the final component of the toolkit, the handbook is also directly linked to the competency framework and brings the performance standards to life.

The Complete Toolkit:

As a toolkit, the framework directly supports the following activities:
  • Communicating a clear set of internal expectations and standards
  • Observing live and recorded virtual sessions
  • Providing relevant developmental feedback
  • Supporting both manager and peer coaching conversations
  • Monitoring and managing performance
  • On-boarding new facilitators
  • Complementing train-the-trainer programs

Apply the Virtual Facilitation Competency Framework™

Watch Moe’s Tips for a Setting Up a Virtual Facilitation Studio

Download a Sample Virtual Facilitation Equipment Checklist


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