Partners & Associations

Relationships are important to us

Connecting with Fellow Thought Leaders

We collaborate closely with strategic partners and industry associations to help foster innovation, exchange ideas, and shape the future of facilitation together.

Strategic Partners

The Kinkonauts

The Kinkonauts specialize in unscripted theatre experiences and our collaborative work is focused on harnessing the power of improv in facilitation.


ORCHANGO is a bespoke change management consultancy that specializes in the practice of Nimble Change Leadership™. Our collaborative work is focused on embedding transformative practices in facilitation and the delivery of the STEP UP!™ game simulation.
CanCred is a digital credentials management company that specializes in organizations supporting learning and development. Our collaborative work is focused on the application of the Open Badge Factory technology with participants who have completed Shift’s core programs.


The Institute For Performance & Learning
I4PL is a member-based organization supporting learning and performance in the workplace. Shift is a long-time supporter of I4PL. Since 2015, our founder, Moe Poirier, has been a member and speaker at I4PL events and conferences. As a collective, the Shift team continues to advocate for excellence as professionals in the learning & development industry.
The Association for Talent Development

ATD is an internationally recognized organization with a mission to “Empower Professionals to Develop Talent in the Workplace” by offering research, publishing, conferences, education programs, and certification. Since 2017, Shift’s founder, Moe Poirier, has been a member, speaker, published author and recently joined the Program Advisory Committee for ATD’s International Conference & Expo.

International Association of Facilitators

The IAf is a global community that supports the continuing education of facilitators. Their specialized approach by geographic region allows them to support and respond to the unique needs of local practitioners. Our founder, Moe Poirier, has been a member and speaker at IAf events and conferences since 2018. Proudly, we support the adoption of standards and the on-going discovery of new tools and techniques that advance the work of facilitators around the world.

Canadian Community of Corporate Educators
The CCCE is on a mission to create a collaborative environment for L&D professionals to share knowledge and foster innovation. Monthly networking events hosted by the community support continued professional growth in the industry. Shift is a corporate member of the CCCE, and our founder, Moe Poirier, has been a featured speaker at member events.
Human Resources Professionals Association

The HRPA is the Canadian umbrella organization for all aspects of the HR profession, from recruitment to professional development. They are committed to supporting HR professionals to evolve their skills to meet the changing demands of the workplace. Our founder, Moe Poirier, has attended and spoken at HRPA conferences and local chapter events since 2015.


Shift Perspectives

Keep Reading

June 20, 2021

The Worst Facilitator Ever… Is Now Virtually Even Worse!

Just when you thought the worst facilitator couldn’t get any worse, they went virtual. Okay, okay. Technically, their ability to facilitate didn’t...

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June 1, 2021

LEADERSHIP… and the Virtual Fishbowl!

The fishbowl. You know it. The one that leaders live in. The one where a 360 degree view of a leader’s actions...

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April 23, 2021

I miss CONNECTING with participants!?

Connection. A shared experience. Acts of generosity. A string of light bulb moments.  Connection. A shared purpose. Acts of service. A source...

Shift possibilities.

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