Team Bio

Coen Tan
Facilitator & Coach
Coen is an experienced facilitator and speaker whose deep emotional intelligence skills bring a level of safety and connection to every training session. Based in Singapore, his work as a facilitator has taken him to more than nine countries and dozens of organizations. Coen is passionate about helping every person feel seen, heard, and valued, and as a facilitator, Coen envisions a world in which people break out of their self-imposed limitations and express themselves courageously to serve others.

Coen’s Insights:

More than just a facilitator, here are some fun facts:
I took French as an elective in college and felt like I’d found my home. I love the language and continue to practice it.
Instead of reading comic books as a kid, I read chess books written by the great chess players, including Bobby Fischer and Gary Kasparov.
I grew up with a love of airplanes and still keep a collection of models.
I’m colour-blind and while it kept me from being a pilot, it hasn’t slowed me down otherwise.
Living and working in the Asia-Pacific region, I am fluent in Mandarin and come by this naturally through my family's story and heritage.

Coen’s Facilitator Story:

I grew up living with my grandmother during the day while my parents worked, and I loved watching the nearby airport from her balcony. I would sit for hours, transfixed by the planes arriving and leaving. Growing up as an emotionally sensitive child, I often felt emotions that people were not aware of feeling themselves. I had a difficult childhood, but it led to building stronger sensitivity and empathy.

Today, I bring my strengths of compassion, curiosity, and creativity to facilitation, where I create safe places where individuals can challenge themselves and achieve personal and team transformations. Combining my understanding of human psychology with improvisation theatre techniques, my workshops are engaging, fun and deep learning experiences.

Over the past 12 years, I have trained or delivered talks to over 50,000 individuals. Before embarking on this journey, I worked for 5 years as a leadership training curriculum designer, which gave me an in-depth understanding of the psychology of learning.

I am certified in multiple personality profiling instruments like the MBTI and Enneagram, and I’m also a Cultural Transformation and Values Assessment Consultant and Appreciative Inquiry Practitioner. I’ve worked with a wide range of clients around the world, from Astra Zeneca to Zurich Insurance.