Team Bio

Edmond Mellina
Facilitator, Coach & Consultant
Edmond is a champion of ‘nimble’ change and culture shift. As a facilitator, he leads from his corporate experience as an IT executive. In his work with ORCHANGO, his highlight reel includes guiding a massive transformation at a global bank based in the Middle-East. And with all his expertise, he designed the STEP UP!™ simulation to teach others. Oh, and “pas de problème” he’d be more than happy to switch to French if you like!

Edmond’s Insights:

More than just a facilitator, here are some fun facts:
Born and raised in southwestern France.
I grew up wanting to be a university math professor but gave in to the pressure from my family to train as an engineer instead.
I used to worry about working on removing my French accent until I discovered that my audiences adjust quickly. Plus, I’ve decided to embrace it!
I met Moe Poirier when we shared a corporate client. He helped me expand my thinking beyond consulting and see myself as a facilitator.
I come from a family of cyclists.

Edmond’s Facilitator Story:

I grew up in France with a family who had roots in southern Spain. I had a ton of energy as a child (just ask my parents) and I bring that energy into my work today.

I graduated in engineering from Centrale Marseille, with a focus on technology, which was the starting point for the true passions in my career: strategic transformation and change leadership. Later I attended the Executive Program at Ivey School of Business.

I am ORCHANGO’s president and co-founder, and I’m internationally recognized for my expertise in nimble change leadership and culture change. For the past 30 years, I have been executing strategic transformations, building agile capabilities, and advising clients across sectors in Europe, North America, and the Middle East.

I am a former corporate transformation executive in drastically changing industries: CIO at Delta Hotels when Expedia disrupted the hotel business; and VP Corporate Development & General Manager USA for the technology business of Envoy Communication Group when design and marketing agencies started to become digital.

As a speaker, my topics include change leadership, agility, innovation, and influence. I deliver speeches with the passion, humour, and engaging style that are my trademarks. I bring tools, concepts, and techniques to life by sharing vivid stories from the real world. I am also a guest lecturer for DeGroote School of Business’ EMBA in Digital Transformation.