Team Bio

Hélène Bellerose
Facilitator & Coach
Hélène has been a training specialist, coach, and facilitator for more than 20 years. Hélène started out in social work, and those foundational skills carry into her work today. She is known for her warmth, curiosity, and compassion as she helps guide participants to new levels of growth and success. And “absoluement” she can do it all “en Francais” if you wish.

Hélène’s Insights:

More than just a facilitator, here are some fun facts:
I’m a proud Franco-Ontarian, raised in Northern Ontario.
I spent a year in Australia as an exchange student in high school where I properly learned how to say “G’day.”
My mantra: everyone has a story.
I managed to redirect my career from social work to facilitation. It was a major pivot, yet there’s lots of overlap.
I love being outdoors: biking, walking, being in nature.

Hélène’s Facilitator Story:

I grew up in Northern Ontario and had dreams of becoming a scientist (I still love a good research project). I studied social work and psychology in university but didn’t do this work for long because I wanted to have a bigger impact on the world. 

I’ve always been the first to raise my hand to speak in front of a group of people and learned about the world of facilitation through a friend. I discovered a skill I loved and built a career around it. I am the founder of Voilà Coaching where I have been facilitating and coaching for more than 2 decades.

I bring my full self to every engagement and love to teach presentation, storytelling, coaching, feedback, leadership, and communication workshops. I also enjoy 1:1 coaching with leaders to maximize their potential. I’m a proud partner to several industry-leading training and facilitation firms, including Shift. 

I’m a certified professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) and also certified as a The Leadership Circle 360 Feedback Coach. I facilitate workshops in both English and French.

I bring calm energy and curiosity into my client work and meet my clients where they are to help them step into new leadership growth. I tap into my own experience and knowledge to offer a new perspective, challenge assumptions, create possibilities, and share ideas.

Questions are my best tool! I love that I’m able to help others explore new possibilities and create change.