Team Bio

Jason Lewis
Sr. Partner
Jason’s interactive style gets people up on their feet and engaged. He combines a Masters in Leadership, Creativity and Teams with 20 years of management consulting. His highlight reel includes delivering “Design Thinking” sessions for Silicon Valley heavyweights. As founder of The Kinkonauts (improv theatre) it’s no surprise that he inspires leaders to take bigger risks in pursuit of innovation.

Jason’s Insights:

More than just a facilitator, here are some fun facts:
I founded an improv theatre company (ask me about “yes, and” next time we meet).
I studied Kahneman and Tversky before they were cool.
I apply much of what I learn at work to my continued practice of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Being a camp counsellor in my teens gave me my first glimpse into facilitation.
I love to travel with my wife and daughter.

Jason’s Facilitator Story:

As a consultant, coach, and facilitator with Shift Facilitation, I specialize in learning, culture, leadership development, innovation, and change management.

I grew up talking about the great interactions of life at the dinner table with my probation officer mom and my HR executive dad. I first noticed the importance of facilitating learning and supporting learning practice as a kid when working as a lifeguard and camp counsellor. Later, it was books by authors like Peters, Covey, and Drucker that showed me the importance of character, habits, and behaviours in creating desired outcomes at work.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Art History and Philosophy and received my Master’s degree in Leadership and Training from Royal Roads University in 2007. My thesis investigated the impact of improvisational theatre techniques on team performance, which connects with my work as the co-founder of an improv theatre company, a fantastic laboratory for leadership development.

My improv background definitely adds an element of playfulness to my facilitation work. I pursued skill building as an expert facilitator so I can help leader and teams connect with each other and have uncompromising conversations about the future.