Team Bio

Susan Lynne
Facilitator & coach
Susan has an uncanny ability to create a welcoming atmosphere, put people at ease, and make connections. Spiritually, it’s a gift she’s honed through her work as an Interfaith Minister. Professionally, it’s a gift she shares with others through coaching executives and training leaders on how to be exceptional communicators and presenters. And, “mais oui!” she does it all in French too!

Susan’s Insights:

More than just a facilitator, here are some fun facts:
I grew up in a bilingual family, which meant summers in Quebec (Mum’s family) and BC (Dad’s family). This inspired me to become fluent in both French and English.
I loved climbing as a kid. I taught my younger brother how to climb up on to the school roof to find tennis balls.
As a kid, we did the cross-Canada train trip, which was as memorable as you can imagine.
A job in my late 20s with the Ontario Training Corporation provided the ‘aha’ moment that led to a career in facilitation.
My mission in life is to create and contribute to peace on the planet---in my relationships with family, in my community, and at work. Peace doesn’t mean the absence of conflict, but about having the right tools for conflict resolution.

Susan’s Facilitator Story:

I was born in Toronto’s west end and spent my childhood outdoors exploring the nearby river valley, climbing trees, and in a mischievous moment, was suspended from Girl Guides for being disruptive and rambunctious.

As I grew up, I found more constructive ways to channel my energy and curiosity in my education and work life. I trained as a lifeguard/swimming instructor, a French to English translator, a counselling psychotherapist, and an interfaith minister. My interests include attending improv comedy classes, singing in choirs, and understanding humans. This all comes together in the world of facilitating learning which has been my specialty and delight for twenty-five years.

I am accredited to teach twelve workshops in the domains of business communication skills, coaching courses for managers, and virtual facilitation skills, in both French and English. I have been a master trainer for both McLuhan & Davies Communications and Box of Crayons for many years.

In every workshop experience, I bring my care for participants’ well-being and success plus a respect for the individual learner’s needs. I create a safe atmosphere for people to try new things and nudge themselves beyond their comfort zone.

Most importantly, I haven’t lost that mischievous spirit. I invite peoples’ sense of humour and makes learning fun, knowing that there is neuroscience research behind playfulness which allows us to take greater risks when exploring new skills.